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by kimlaw 2023. 7. 18.

갈림길이 많아 양을 잃다.

달아난 양을 찾는 사람이 길이 여러 갈래로 갈려 양을 찾지 못하고 놓치다.

학문의 길이 여러 방면으로 갈려 오히려 진리를 찾기가 어려운 상황을 비유적으로 가리키는 표현이다.

방침이나 지시가 너무 많아 도리어 갈 길을 정하지 못하다.

歧路亡羊(기로망양)이라고도 한다.

Sheep will easily get lost when there are too many forked roads.

a lamb going astray at a fork in the road

too many options making selection difficult

truth being hard to find as paths to it proliferate


  列子(戰國) 列子 說符楊子之鄰人亡羊既率其黨又請楊子之豎追之楊子曰: "亡一羊何追者之眾?" 鄰人曰: "多岐路。" 既反: "獲羊乎?" : "亡之矣。" : "奚亡之?" : "岐路之中又有岐焉吾不知所之所以反也。"

楊子戚然變容不言者移時不笑者竟日門人怪之請曰: "羊賤畜又非夫子之有而損言笑者何哉?" 揚子不荅門人不獲所命

弟子孟孫陽出以告心都子心都子他日與孟孫陽偕入而問曰: "昔有昆弟三人游齊魯之閒同師而學進仁義之道而歸其父曰: '仁義之道若何?' 伯曰: '仁義使我愛身而後名。' 仲曰: '仁義使我殺身以成名。' 叔曰: '仁義使我身名並全。' 彼三術相反而同出於儒孰是孰非邪?" 楊子曰: "人有濱河而居者習於水勇於泅操舟鬻渡利供百口裹糧就學者成徒而溺死者幾半本學泅不學溺而利害如此若以為孰是孰非?"

心都子嘿然而出孟孫陽讓之曰: "何吾子問之迂夫子荅之僻吾惑愈甚。" 心都子曰: "大道以多岐亡羊學者以多方喪生學非本不同非本不一而末異若是唯歸同反一為亡得喪子長先生之門習先生之道而不達先生之況也哀哉!"

열자(전국) 열자 설부양자지인인망양기솔기당우청양자지수추지양자왈: "망일양하추자지중?" 인인왈: "다기로。" 기반: "획양호?" : "망지의。" : "해망지?" : "기로지중우유기언오부지소지소이반야。" 

양자척연변용불언자이시불소자경일문인괴지청왈: "양천축우비부자지유이손언소자하재?" 양자부답문인불획소명

제자맹손양출이고심도자심도자타일여맹손양해입이문왈:"석유곤제삼인유제노지한동사이학진인의지도이귀기부왈: '인의지도약하?' 백왈: '인의사아애신이후명。' 중왈: '인의사아살신이성명。' 숙왈: '인의사아신명병전。' 피삼술상반이동출어유숙시숙비사?" 양자왈: "인유빈하이거자습어수용어수조주죽도이공백구과량취학자성도이닉사자기반본학수불학닉이리해여차약이위숙시숙비?"

심도자묵연이출맹손양양지왈: "하오자문지우부자답지벽오혹유심。" 심도자왈: "대도이다기망양학자이다방상생학비본부동비본불일이말이약시유귀동반일위망득상자장선생지문습선생지도이부달선생지황야애재!"

One neighbor of Yang Zi(), a famous thinker during the Warring States Period (476-221 BC) lost a sheep. He asked all his relatives , friends as well as all his servant for help. Yang Zi asked, "Why do you send so many people out just for one lost sheep?" His neighbor said, "Because there are a lot of branch road." 
After a while, all the people came back. "Have you found the sheep?" Yang Zi asked. "No," they answered, "Each road has branch roads and each branch has its forked roads. We just do not know which road to follow. So we give up."
On hearing this, Yang Zi became silent. His student did not understand what the teacher was pondering. He passed the question to Xin Du Zi(心都子), a friend of Yang Zi. Xin Du Zi replied, "Your tutor is worrying about your study. What have appened reminds him of the difficulty of learning and researching. He thinks that if you fail to find the right orientation and method of study, you can accomplish nothing, just like those people trying to find the lost sheep."




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