관중(管仲)과 포숙(鮑叔)이 사귀다.
아주 친한 친구로 사귀는 사이를 가리킨다.
管鮑交(관포교)라고도 한다.
生死之交(생사지교), 莫逆之交(막역지교), 金蘭契友(금란계우)와 같은 의미이다.
the friendship of Guan Zhong and Bao Shu
the friendship of damon and pythias
david and jonathan
intimate friendship
an extremely close friendship
intimate friendship beyond the profits and losses
《列子 力命》 管仲嘗歎曰: "吾少窮困時,嘗與鮑叔賈,分財多自與;鮑叔不以我為貪知我貧也。吾嘗為鮑叔謀事而大窮困,鮑叔不以我為愚,知時有利不利也。吾嘗三仕,三見逐於君,鮑叔不以我為不肖,知我不遭時也。吾嘗三戰三北,鮑叔不以我為怯,知我有老母也。公子糾敗,召忽死之,吾幽囚受辱;鮑叔不以我為无恥,知我不羞小節,而恥名不顯於天下也。生我者父母,知我者鮑叔也!"
《열자 역명》 관중상탄왈: "오소궁곤시,상여포숙가,분재다자여;포숙불이아위탐지아빈야。오상위포숙모사이대궁곤,포숙불이아위우,지시유리불리야。오상삼사,삼견축어군,포숙불이아위불초,지아부조시야。오상삼전삼북,포숙불이아위겁,지아유로모야。공자규패,소홀사지,오유수수욕;포숙불이아위무치,지아불수소절,이치명불현어천하야。생아자부모,지아자포숙야!"
Guan Zhong(管仲 a chancellor of the seventh-century B.C.E.) once sighed, saying: "When I was young and poor, I once did business with Bao Shu(鮑叔) and gave the majority of the profits for myself, but Bao Shu did not think I was greedy; he understood that I was poor. I once planned for some affair with Bao Shu which ended in great disaster, but Bao Shu did not think that I was foolish; he understood that destiny can be favorable or unfavorable. I served thrice in the court and was exiled by my monarch thrice, but Bao Shu did not think that I was unworthy; he understood that I had not met with the times that were right for me. I fought in three battles and ran away thrice, but Bao Shu did not think that I was cowardly; he understood that I had an aged mother to care for. When Lord Jiu(公子糾) was defeated, Zhaohu(召忽) died there while I suffered the disgrace of being imprisoned, but Bao Shu did not think that I was shameless; he understood that I was not ashamed over trifling matters, but was ashamed that my name might not be known to the world. It is my parents who have given birth to me, but it is Bao Shu who has understood me."
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