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by kimlaw 2023. 5. 16.

다른 사람과 더불어 선하여야 한다.

다른 사람에게 선하여야 한다.

다른 사람에게 착하며 곱고 어질게 대하다.

선의로 다른 사람을 돕다.

do good with others

do good to others

be kind to others

help people practise virtue


孟子 公孫丑上孟子曰: "子路人告之以有過則喜禹聞善言則拜大舜有大焉善與人同舍己從人樂取於人以為善自耕漁以至為帝無非取於人者取諸人以為善是與人為善者也故君子莫大乎與人為善。"

맹자 공손축상맹자왈: "자로인고지이유과칙희우문선언칙배대순유대언선여인동사기종인악취어인이위선자경어이지위제무비취어인자취제인이위선시여인위선자야고군자막대호여인위선。"

Mencius(孟子) said, "When any one told Zi Lu(子路) that he had a fault, he rejoiced. When Yu(禹) heard good words, he bowed to the speaker. The great Shun(大舜) had a still greater delight in what was good. He regarded virtue as the common property of himself and others, giving up his own way to follow that of others, and delighting to learn from others to practise what was good. From the time when he ploughed and sowed, exercised the potter's art, and was a fisherman, to the time when he became emperor, he was continually learning from others. To take example from others to practise virtue, is to help them in the same practice. Therefore, there is no attribute of the superior man greater than his helping men to practise virtue."


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