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by kimlaw 2024. 4. 24.

자기를 원망하고, 자기를 나무라다.
자신의 잘못에 대하여 자기를 탓하고, 자기를 다스려 허물을 고치다.
자신의 잘못을 스스로 뉘우치고 채찍질하여 수양에 힘쓰다.
怨天尤人(원천우인), 怨天怨地(원천원지)는 하늘을 원망하고 남을 탓하다, 하늘을 원망하고 땅을 원망하다, 즉 잘못에 대하여 자기를 탓하지 않고 다른 탓을 한다는 의미로 반대되는 표현이다.
《論語 憲問》 子曰: "莫我知也夫!" 子貢曰: "何為其莫知子也?" 子曰: "不怨天,不尤人。下學而上達。知我者,其天乎!"

《논어 헌문》 자왈: "막아지야부!" 자공왈: "하위기막지자야?" 자왈: "불원천,불우인。하학이상달。지아자,기천호!"
The Master said, "Alas! there is no one that knows me." Zi Gong said, "What do you mean by thus saying - that no one knows you?" The Master replied, "I do not murmur against Heaven. I do not grumble against men. My studies lie low, and my penetration rises high. But there is Heaven - that knows me!"

외국속담에서는 "해와 별과 달을 탓한다"고 하고, 역시 반대되는 표현이다.
be full of remorse and self-reproach
《孟子 萬章上》 湯崩,太丁未立,外丙二年,仲壬四年。太甲顛覆湯之典刑,伊尹放之於桐。三年,太甲悔過,自怨自艾,於桐處仁遷義;三年,以聽伊尹之訓己也,復歸于亳。

《맹자 만장상》 탕붕,태정미립,외병이년,중임사년。태갑전복탕지전형,이윤방지어동。삼년,태갑회과,자원자애,어동처인천의;삼년,이청이윤지훈기야,복귀우박。
After the demise of Tang,  Tai Ding having died before he could be appointed sovereign, Wai Bing reigned two years, and Zhong Ren four. Tai Jia was then turning upside down the statutes of Tang, when Yi Yin placed him in Tong for three years. There Tai Jia repented of his errors, was contrite, and reformed himself. In Tong be came to dwell in benevolence and walk in righteousness, during those threee years, listening to the lessons given to him by Yi Yin. Then Yi Yin again returned with him to Bo.

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