본문 바로가기


by kimlaw 2023. 1. 15.

강물을 거슬러 배를 몰다.
강물을 거슬러 가는 배와 같이 학업은 끊임없이 노력하지 않으면 안 된다.
學如逆水行舟 不進則退(학여역수행주 부진즉퇴)는 "학문은 마치 강물을 거슬러 배를 모는 경우와 같아서 앞으로 나아가지 않으면 곧 뒤로 밀려나게 된다"는 의미이다.

a boat going against the currents

a boat go against the stream

boat in the direction of the water flow

diligently engage in one's studies like a boat going against the currents
Learning is like making the boat go against the current, if you stop moving forward, you will go back.

like rowing a boat upstream, if you stop moving forward, you fall back

Study is like rowing upstream, no advance is drop back.

study is like rowing upstream if you don't keep pushing forward, you fall behind

One who does not advance loses ground.

鲁迅 《且介亭杂文 门外文谈》 即使目下还有点逆水行舟,也只好拉纤。
노신 《차개정잡문 문외문담》 즉사목하환유점역수행주,야지호랍섬。

梁启超(清) 《莅山西票商欢迎会学说词》 夫旧而能守,斯亦已矣!然鄙人以为人之处于世也,如逆水行舟,不进则退。
양계초(청) 《이산서표상환영회학설사》 부구이능수,사역이의!연비인이위인지처우세야,여역수행주,부진즉퇴。


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