益者三樂, 損者三樂(익자삼요, 손자삼요)
《論語 季氏》 孔子曰: "益者三樂, 損者三樂。樂節禮樂, 樂道人之善, 樂多賢友, 益矣。樂驕樂, 樂佚遊, 樂宴樂, 損矣。" 《논어 계씨》 공자왈: "익자삼요, 손자삼요。요절예악, 요도인지선, 요다현우, 익의。요교락, 요일유, 요연락, 손의。" Confucius said, "There are three things men find enjoyment in which are advantageous, and three things they find enjoyment in which are injurious. To find enjoyment in the discriminating study of ceremonies and music; to find enjoyment in speaking of the goodness ..
2022. 11. 21.