君子三戒(군자삼계)1 君子三戒(군자삼계) 《論語 季氏》 孔子曰: "君子有三戒:少之時,血氣未定,戒之在色;及其壯也,血氣方剛,戒之在鬭;及其老也,血氣既衰,戒之在得。" 《논어 계씨》 공자왈: "군자유삼계:소지시,혈기미정,계지재색;급기장야,혈기방강,계지재투;급기로야,혈기기쇠,계지재득。" Confucius said, "There are three things which the superior man guards against. In youth, when the physical powers are not yet settled, he guards against lust. When he is strong and the physical powers are full of vigor, he guards against quarrelsomeness. When he is .. 2022. 12. 28. 이전 1 다음